Monday, April 26, 2010

You have Everything if you have Love

Whenever I have a problem, I go straight to my 81 year old mother. Not that she is EVER any help - as I have to repeat gems of the problematic storyline over and over to her and she never fully 'gets it'.

By the time I'm fully vented out, I'm too frustrated with what she has to say anyway. The advice is always the same: "As long as you have love, you have everything!"

Of course, she's right. I'm lucky that I have an amazing husband after breaking records for being the "longest-single-living-in-search-of-love" woman on earth. I did wonder how I made it through my problems and was happy (most of the time) when I didn't have 'love' in my life.

When Mom recently spun her words of wisdom to me, I agreed with her, but wondered: What about the Single Bubbies out there? How do they get through their problems if they don't have love?

Immediately, she responded that love doesn't come just through having a husband or wife. "You can love your home, where you live, what you do. You can love your things or your pets. You can love your life. Love is everywhere!"

Immediately, I wanted to pass this along to all my single friends. Life is worth living if we have love and everyone has something/someone to love. Our problems are unimportant as long as we have love in our lives.

Two nights ago, I was watching a movie: "Year of the Dog". The heroine didn't have a husband, but became an animal activist. The movie ended with this soliloquy:

"I wish I was a more articulate person. I believe life is magical. It is so precious. And there are so many kinds of love in this life. So many things to love. The love for a husband or a wife, a boyfriend or girlfriend. The love for children. The love for yourself. And even material things. This is my love. It is mine. And it fills me and defines me. And it compels me on."

I had no idea. I guess my Mother gets it a lot more than I ever had or could. I think I'll call her.

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