Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dear Bubbie -

I'm preparing in advance for a Christmas Day alone. I'll be fine, but would like to make it a real nice day versus feeling sorry for myself.

Do you have any suggestions about what I can do - like a Things To Do List - to make it one of the best Christmases ever?



Dear Terah,

I asked our followers on the Dearbubbie Facebook Page for some suggestions, and this one came from one of the readers:

Rent a movie and chinese food afterward!

I kind of like that one, Terah!

My typical advice is to start the day with exercise. Even if you just dance WILDLY to a couple of songs on the radio. Getting outside and breathing in the fresh air is great, too. I'm in Florida, so I don't know what it really means to get out in the snow. I'd build a snowman - that would make me happy. (And I'd consider that exercise!)

I'm wondering if there's something you've always wanted to try. . like painting or making candles. I'd go to your local craft shop and try to make something - from a scarf to a necklace with beads? Treat yourself to a crafty kit and make something.

I'd try to CLEAN the house the day before Christmas. Don't do anything you 'have to do' on Christmas - unless you WANT to. I say do something FUN, while accomplishing and creating.

And, limit yourself on the computer. Believe it or not - the computer can be a depressant.

Let us know what you end up doing. You're smart to plan in advance - but you never know what other surprises will await you.

With love,
Your Bubbie


  1. see you give great advise, hey did you know it is g-mans birthday today? i made him a card and posted it on my blog my goal is to get as many 55 players to copy and post it with their 55's tonight. he is not feeling well and will not be checking up onus until tonight. ok i have a lot of other bloggers to invite, hope you can join in the fun, have a great day!!

  2. I like the idea of starting the day with dancing. And the movie with chinese is good too. For me, reading is always a treat.

    Car Goes Boom

  3. Volunteering somewhere on Christmas Day is good, too. You'll be with other people instead of home alone.
