Saturday, January 2, 2010


Well, I awoke this New Year's Day in the same position I was in - on my side and devastated that I have lost 23 years of my LIFE to a lost cause. I have now divorced the lost cause who gambled our money away and was addicted to porn websites. But I am having trouble reconciling the lost years. I can't get them back! I'm happy to have him out of my life, but my head isn't letting me stop kicking myself for wasting so many years. Can you help?


Older, wiser, but not happier


  1. hi I was in snaggle's plog & you were looking for her follow button well at the top were you sine in... it is to the left it say's follow click on it, and walaa there you are Hope your next bunch of years are "GREAT" & the past has a way of diluting it self things do get better...
    Well this doxie has to go get under the covers,Night night

  2. Hey Buddy, in comment above me- how's it going across the cove over there? We have tons of snow now- keep those paws warm!

    Older-Wiser, I say if you learned so much from that time, it has not been wasted! If you had wonderful children or pets, n some of it was actually fun, it was not wasted! It was a big part of your time- but I'm sure you can make up for that with a new relationship that works better for you. Or you can be happy just to be free...
