Thursday, November 11, 2010

PART II (from story below)

Thanks for the supportive response. I mean that. As time goes on, this becomes SUCH an emotional drain that it seems I’ll never achieve my dream of a life for me and my son without the psychological games his father plays, so it’s good to hear someone unbiased say that they see hope! Thanks for that. I’m a very strong person, and I AM proactive. You’ll see that I don’t sit back waiting for life to come my way – I believe in making things happen, but this one is taking its toll on me, that’s for sure.

I woke up at 12:30 this morning to find him hunkered down in the family room behind closed doors (again), talking to his girlfriend. I try to ignore him, don’t bite when he tries to bait me into arguments, and basically just go about life as if he doesn’t exist, but when he flaunts this incredibly disrespectful behavior in my face, I can’t help but ask him HOW he possibly can think this is OKAY behavior? I again asked him to PLEASE go live with his dad, stop the emotional torture, and he can call her as often as he likes. He slipped and told me she’s broke, so I guess that’s why he is in no rush to run to her – nothing to gain financially. I reminded him that he has broken me, too, and that there will be nothing left from the house sale after I pay off the debts he’s caused me, so he’s not going to get anything from me either. I know I should ignore him at all costs and not let him engage me in these ridiculous, twisted, delusional conversations, because his goal here is to make ME seem like a shrew to justify his bad behavior, but sometimes he gets me so angry I just have to tell him how insane his comments are! I have to get better at biting my tongue.

Regarding the phone, my concern is that a judge (whenever we get to that point) or a mediator will think it “cruel” of me to remove his phone privileges and access to emergency services. He could claim that, because of his stomach bouts, he needs to be able to call his doctor, and I don’t want to put myself in a bad light for denying him access to medical attention. That’s the same reason I won’t take my SEP (from my boss) and “hide” it where he can’t get his portion, because that will make me look deceptive in the eyes of the court. I don’t need any more points against me if I’m going to salvage anything out of this as far as my assets. I’ve thought about turning off the FiOS TV, internet and everything else, too, but I can’t do that because I need the internet for my banking, my son needs TV and internet, and I can’t make everyone else suffer any more than they already are just to spite my husband. I would love to make his life so uncomfortable he would leave, but that costs everyone else too much, and, again, I don’t know that the judge would look kindly on that.

I have limited his access to financial resources by opening an account that only I can access, and I only leave some of his unemployment compensation in the old account for him to use for his medications, cigarettes, etc. Oh, that’s another sore point: The cigarettes. Here I am, trying to sell the house because I’m going broke, and he spends roughly $250 per month on cigarettes. This could also be one reason the ulcers won’t heal since smoking will prohibit any internal conditions from healing properly. He could probably get his pain doctor to say that he NEEDS the pain meds because of an old injury he suffered back in the '80's. He’s been on oxycontin and other meds ever since, so, again, a judge may see that at cruel punishment if I deny him his pain meds. Don’t you think?

To answer your question as to how he could afford legal counsel, he could take his unemployment income, which amounts to about $700/month after cigarettes, and use that for a lawyer if he were to go live with his father rent-free. While I would still have all the bills to pay, he would be free to use all his money to fight me. I, on the other hand, have nothing to use for a lawyer, and I may have to reimburse him for legal fees if I’m the one to file. Doesn’t the person filing usually have to pay the other person’s legal fees, or at least a portion thereof?

You are right in that I know what I want, and I’ve got SO many things planned for my son in KY (schools, activities, social groups), but I don’t know how to get there now with all the psychological garbage from my husband. He has gotten progressively worse since sitting home like a hermit for over a year (no surprise there), and my original plan was to just bear with it until I can get moved, but now I don’t know if I can last that long. I wish he would get an invitation to move in with his girlfriend and just go for it! My prayers would be answered if he would just let his heart lead him and walk away from me. I’d be in the clear.

Please write me back when you think of the name of that female divorce attorney. I’d appreciate an alternative just to compare, so thanks for trying to think of that for me. I will also contact the FL Bar and see where that gets me.

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