Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bubbie Blasts Off On Balloon Boy

(Looking forward to your comments - like-minded or otherwise!)

While regular programming was being interrupted for a flying homemade contraption with a six-year old boy possibly aboard, Bubbie's red flags went up.

On message boards and social networks, blame was immediately placed on the parents. Those thoughts were usually followed up with a comment "not to judge", as being a parent is harder work than it looks.

Whether one responded emotionally, angrily or logically, I was among those who were cynical. They were participants in the "Wife Swap" show - where a family's agenda lies with needing the money to promoting a product or service they provide.

(Question for Bubbie reader's: Would you appear on Wife Swap, and if so, why?")

I watched the newscasts of the Heenie family's plight with their mushroom balloon/spacecraft/jiffy pop container and alerted Facebook friends that this is indeed a publicity-seeking hoax. I wanted to be FIRST to expose this spouting of hot air at ground level.

Later that evening, watching Wolf Blitzer interview the father (along with the squirming, fidgeting kids), I knew something wasn't ringing true. When the six-year old said: "We did it for the show" - it wasn't the nonsense that the father followed up with that struck me. It was the reaction of one of the brothers, who's eyes widened like a deer caught in the headlight. His lips pursed together tightly as if to say: "He wasn't supposed to say that!!!"

When Wolf continued on with the interview without digging for what that meant - and journalists know what I'm saying - I changed the channel. I wasn't going to be duped or played a fool. I crucified Wolf Blitzer and CNN to my husband and online friends. My 15 year old step-daughter wisely retreated to her room.

The next morning on national television, the poor kid is throwing up, while the mother just sits. If my dog threw up, I'd be running to his side, holding back his ears!

That evening, Jane Velez-Mitchell of CNN had a psychologist on discussing Balloon Boy. She said:

"It's very unlikely this is a hoax. Unless the 911 call was some of the best acting I've ever heard. No, I don't think it was a hoax."

I'm wondering when the National Enquirer is going to break out the experts on body language and voice levels that detect truth or lie.

However, where I firmly stand, with my two feet on the solid ground - the Heenie family is truly "out there".

Your comments are welcome to burst my bubble.



  1. It was just announced that criminal charges will be filed soon.

    This felt like a hoax from the beginning and as the interviews progressed, all of the signs were there.

    If found guilty, I hope the parents are billed for all of the rescue services they wasted and all future earnings from whatever source are garnished until this stunt is paid.

    I feel really bad for the children. It is obvious these parents care more for being in the spot light and for money than they do for their children.

    I am really surprised that some advocacy group has not filed a law suit to prevent children from participating in these "reality" shows. I think it's abuse.

    Come Get Your Sunshine

  2. If what Nessa says is true about charges being files...I love it. It's about time people of this ilk were held responsible for their irresponsible actions. I almost feel guilty making a comment about this because it still promotes these clowns, just on a smaller scale. I wish the media would stop giving these people attention, it just breeds more copycats.
