Friday, October 9, 2009

Flash 55

Why do we stay when our heads tell us to: "GET OUT"?

You say: "I know I deserve better," but you're just repeating a viscious, painful cycle.

Why won't your heart listen to your head? Why won't logic take hold?

Bubbie knows and understands.


  1. Very good questions we all ask ourselves at one time or another. Change is hard. Love your 55.

  2. a very introspective 55. i think many can relate wether in relationships or work or many different aspects of life. the journey between ou head and heart is short, yet seems to take forever. hope you have a wonderful weeekend!

  3. Great 55 but they don't understand.

  4. What a warm and comforting friend you are Bubbie.
    Excellent 55..
    Thank You so much for playing again. I hope you make this part of your Friday routine from now on..
    Have a Kick-Ass Week-End...Galen

  5. Bubbie, the onlooker always sees more of the game than the participants. It's easy to be objective when not personally involved, hard to stop 'I told you so' when things go wrong.

  6. Always difficult when there is a disconnect between heart and head. Well put Bubbie ~ nice to have my compassionate friend playing along on Friday's.



  7. Indeed. I wonder why emotions are so overpowering...
