Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bubbie Weighs in on Weight Loss - for Rachel

Bubbie's heart breaks in two for those who struggle with weight loss. I know the joy of eating and giving into temptation - only to feel sick about the decision later.

Of course our downfall is most likely the compulsive eating that comes from an unexpected culinary masterpiece that falls within our reach (and later, our thighs). I've always had the attitude that I could get hit by a car tomorrow or life is short - I'm not passing by the prime rib. I'll diet tomorrow.

The fact is that as Americans - we're lucky. We aren't starving in Africa; we have the opposite problem - too much consumption which leads to unwanted, unhealthy pounds.

If we eat the prime rib tonight and start our diets tomorrow, the next day's temptation will dare us to take a bite - be it macaroni and cheese (hello Rach) or birthday cake.

I have so many favorite foods. I don't want to make myself miserable by not eating or make myself even more depressed if I do (because I've exceeded my calorie 'budget').

I have two suggestions to kick-start a plan. We've all heard this term before: Food substitution. I'm a believer, but with a twist.

Start by filling your freezer with Lean Cuisines (or other calorie-restrictive frozen dinner). IF meatloaf is on the menu - take a teeeeeeeny portion of your calorie-laden meatloaf and throw it into your Lean Cuisine portion. Instead of consuming 800 calories at one meal, you'll be closer to 500 by adding the small portion to your 300 calorie frozen dinner. You can not feel sad or deprived - you got a good portion of dinner and got to eat the good stuff as well.

Also - and we all know this - be careful of salad dressing, cheese and croutons on top. Don't even think of eating a salad if you're going to corrupt it with calories. Maybe it's healthier than a HoHo, but if I'm going to consume the calories, pass me the Hostess cupcakes. So please, for Bubbie - if you're going to eat a salad - don't make it into calorie chaos.

We can get into snack substitutes, but for now, grab the 100-calorie Orville Redenbacher popcorn. Eat that after an apple if you like to eat non-stop.

Finally, you can do great on the food, but the calories in what we drink can sabotage all good intentions.

Let's do this diet in three-day intervals, rather than I'm going to Vegas in 30 days. Make it to Day Three and then go for another three days.

If there's a food you MUST have, save it for the next day and allow the extra calories by cutting back on lunch. You can eat a steak and still lose weight. Cut a reasonable portion size (and throw the rest down the sink). You can make what seems to be a no-no food as part of your weight-loss plan.

I'll be posting a follow-up for a Day Two plan that I think will work just for you. It's actually a fun plan that includes fantasy!

Please tell me you feel better already. Bubbie does.


  1. Amen on the part about salad. When I realized how many calories were in my salad with all the "extra's" it was worse than what I was going to eat in the first place. And you are completely right about the dressings. Especially at restaurants!!
