Saturday, October 10, 2009

Strictly Platonic

Dear Bubbie,

I live alone and really don't want to upset my life by adding a woman into it. I'm happy, but would like someone to go to the mountains with, eat out with and go to the movies. So, I went to Craigslist Strictly Platonic category and found my answer that I want to share with your blogger friends.

Nothing is ever going to happen if you don't first meet your best friend. You have to be best friends before you get married. So, I met this woman. She's 5'7 and only 126 pounds. She doesn't have the best face. She's older, you know. I'm 59, she's 54.

So, on our first date we could be totally ourselves. Our platonic date lasted four hours. A wonderful time of talking and being honest. Although, she lied about her age. I told her no more lies after that. After all - we're buds!

Our second date, we went hiking and she said her breasts were cold. I told her to take off her top and let the sun warm her up. This turned into sex and it was great.

A week later, I called her and we went to an afternoon matinee. We sat in the back row and I don't know what happened for twenty minutes of the movie. We went at it again.

I am now involved in the most perfect relationship of my life. There's no BS. It's strictly platonic. We're buds. No pressure! I can end this any way I want - since we're just friends. No promises. I wanted to share this wonderful experience with you.


Dear Lon,

Boy, your e-mail started so good! You did get rather graphic, which I edited for the sake of this blog. It appears that she is aiming to please. You didn't ask Bubbie for advice, but I will put in my two cents.

Most men believe that this woman is just "having fun" or in an unhappy marriage. "Men do this all the time," is a comment I received from a man. "Why can't a woman just be in it for the sex?"

I think it's because we're not built that way. There are all kinds of reasons we have sex - and some reasons may involve a non-committal relationship, but I think what we all really want is validation and love. I worry that this woman may have an agenda. And, not to burst your bubble, but be aware, that you're not the first she has done this with and there may be others she's doing this with at the same time. You have pointed out that you and she have not practiced safe sex. That is beyond worrisome.

You sound quite excited by finding the answer to your loneliness, so I'd feel better knowing that you play it safer. And I'm not only talking physically. Lonnie, do me a favor. Do an online background check on your Craigslist conquest. It usually runs only $45.00. And watch her neediness if it comes to money.

I'm using your letter, because you are sincere. And I'm sincere in hoping that you find something that better resembles a loving relationship that eliminates your loneliness. Friend with benefits usually leaves one party damaged.

Best, Bubbie.

If you have a question for Bubbie, e-mail: We'll print your letter if we think others can benefit from your situation. Please no pornography and we all letters remain anonymous.


  1. Dear Bubbie [and Lonnie],

    "Friends with benefits" sounds like a win-win situation, but I have to agree with Bubbie ~ that there is always the potential for someone to get hurt. Whether you're in your early 20s or late 50s this concept, in my opinion, is damaging. Just doing the math alone is frightening. Your "friend" has 2 friends, who has 2 friends and so on and so on. I realize I'm dating myself copying from the old, I think, Breck, commercial; however, the number of people who you are actually exposing yourself to could be staggering. And that's just the health aspect of unprotected sex.

    As for emotions ~ I will speak as a woman. We're emotional beings and sex is NEVER just sex. Maybe in the beginning it is ... but it almost inevitably turns into "something".

    If it's companionship you want, stick to the platonic part and skip the sex. Get your priorities straight and make sure your "companion" has hers too.

    Sorry Bubbie ~ but I have strong feelings about this one. I'm with you on this one!

    ~Kar in Milan

  2. It's not platonic if you are having sex.
