Thursday, November 12, 2009

Flash 55 - The Transition of Hope

Hope became a splinter that annoyingly, unsympathetically hides beneath layers of skin.

What once gave excitement is now just a constant reminder of pain that can't be completely extracted.

Not yet.

Too many years have been invested, drop by soul-baring drop in increments ranging from dread to anticipation.

Time to give up.

No. Not yet.


  1. Painfully beautiful words Bubbie. Don't give up the faith, or the hope. "This or something better", as India says. Everything we go through is a pathway to the next stepping stone in life. It may not be what we want, be it's usually what we need.

    Love you.

    I'm up:

    Friday Flash 55 ~ DELETE

  2. wow. how do i follow a coment life Chef's. what she said. never lose hope, there is always tomorrow. trying 55!

    mine is up!

  3. Oh wow, those are powerful words. Beautiful!

  4. Nicely done.
    I especially like the part about "drop by soul-baring drop".

    Great 55.

    Mine is all ready too.
    here it is. :)

  5. I was shocked at the 'give up'...then, the "No, not yet" came into view!!! That was great. Never give up. There is always another day...bright and clear.

    My is now posted today - just scroll down a bit, below my show n tell Click Here

  6. A thought provoking 55 and a different way of looking at hope.

    I have finished my 55.
    You’ll find it

    But it’s a groaner.

  7. There is a fine line between where we should keep going and where we should move on. Sometimes it is very hard to tell.

    Flash 55 - Blue Gill

  8. Hope Springs Eternal Bubbie!
    Excellent 55 My Dear.
    You got it goin on baby!
    Thanks for your kind words to me as well...You Rock!
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End....Galen

  9. Do I sense a sequel? There seems to be more to this story...a bit sad, but with a ray of hope. Intriguing 55 my friend! Enjoy a nice weekend of something you love doing!
